Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Don't Speak: A Spain in my ass

Don't Speak by No Doubt is a very cool song, I would say one of No Doubt's better joints fo sho. I thought the guitar in this song was catchy and sounded like a good Intermediate tab to sink my teeth into.

This song is actually finger-picked which is definitely a skill I need to work on. This is my second finger-picking song in a row which is a personal best. Anyway I got the verse down without too much difficulty :


The 445 progression is immediately identifiable as the "intro" and when you play through it a few times the rythm comes pretty natural. The chorus is comprised of everyone's favourite: barre chords


Once again not too difficult. The strumming is unique but it comes natural after a little practice. Then comes the solo (booo)


When you start playing this you think, "Ya I think I got it." Then you hear the actual recording and think. Oh crap I'm screwed! The pacing is incredibly fast. Not only that it's set to a flamenco-type cadence. It's basically fast intermixed with flurries of turbo-fast. I have a long way to go to get this down, I hope it doesn't end up on the cutting room floor like my other horrible failure this year.


LosRicos said...

Hmmm.. a flamenco what? I have no idea what that is. I not feel so smrt.

Good thing about failures in Guitar, you can always revisit it again down the road with whatever new skillz you may have picked up along the way.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.