Monday, January 8, 2007

12 Pains of improvement.

Catchy title huh? It's just that though. Well.. not completely.

I was looking at what Grindy was working (ie don't speak, which led me into trying out power chords and more barre chords. I decided to investigate what Ultimate-Guitar had to say about the subject, as I'm all about the self-edumacation. I went from


and experienced new pain. Sure, it looks similar, but I moved my left third finger in such a way that a sudden shock up pain run up and down through the digit. I tried to do it again, and blammo, it happened again. Once again, I believe that I have to be schooled in hand placement. It's one thing to get pains in your wrists (which I did), but getting them in your fingers too? Something has to be wrong. And as I once heard someone say, "pain is nature's way of telling you you're doing something wrong."
I continued my edumacation by looking for proper techniques. The best I could find was this by Philipi Hii. Something about this doesn't feel right though. I may have to try it out a little more and see how it goes.
To sum up, I didn't really get anything accomplished today other than pain. Perhaps tomorrow will be less pain and more gain.

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